June 19, 2010

Sometimes I Wish That Life Was A Little Easier, You Know?

Do you still happen to read Boston's blog? He's telling me to keep him from crying on Tuesday because then he wont be happy. But, how do you keep someone from crying if you'll most end up just like them? Crying because you saw how emotional they got?

I've been pretty good about keeping my emotions in check when it comes to Tuesday. But, it's all crumbling, faster than I can find the paste to glue it back together. Maybe I'll just use frosting, it seems sweeter, and I like sugar coated things.

But everything about Tuesday now seems bittersweet, and I'm losing my composer. It's basically the end. The closer it gets, the more I want to stay, the more scared I am to leave. Yet at the same time, I'm extremely excited for next year and ready for summer.

What's with these mixed emotions? Let's just be happy or just be sad. Or better yet, let's not feel either emotion and just be. I'm tired of the freaking roller coaster that I can't get off of. I'm happy, I'm sad, I'm angry, I'm content. I'm everything in between. And I'm sick of it, my annoyed state I suppose it kicking in. And it's been in an abundance this year. Which is horrible for people that have to deal with me.

I hope I haven't been too nit-picky this year. Most people don't like dealing with people like me. They think I'm obnoxious and odd. But I'm not. Just most of the time, I'm misunderstood. And that's all it is.

And maybe that's all it'll ever be. I mean, does anyone really ever always understand a single person? Or is it just... You have to explain everything, and that's how they learn. Maybe it's how we all learn and grow, meaning the most important lesson in life is learning to understand what people are trying to tell you.

But maybe it's not that simple, because it never is. Just one thing: Boston, keep me from crying on Tuesday. We should be happy.

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