June 28, 2010

200 Days of Summer? Lol. No.

This is the 200th post on this blog. Can you believe that? I made it to 200! Wow, this blog feels old. None of my other blogs have quite lasted this long, they died somewhere after I hit like 20 or 30? So, I'm proud that this blog has stuck around so long.

Perhaps I'll celebrate by making some pasta? I mean, there's always mac and cheese around the house. And I haven't really eaten. I know I should, so maybe I will.

This morning didn't go so great, but this afternoon was spent the best way possible. With a loved one. And Mr. Henry, you're right, I am in a much better mood when I stay out of the house. But, I also am less annoyed with some people when I stay in the house listening to music cuddled up in my favorite blanket. I think each has its pros and each has its cons.

So, let's see. Here a few things that have been rather prominent in my summer so far.
  1. Laundry.
  2. Sleep. (It only seems that way.)
  3. Music.
  4. Sammi.
  5. Aaron.
  6. Dishes.
  7. Dogs.
  8. Sun.
  9. Cold Nights.
  10. Blankets.
  11. Bruises. (I am a clutz.)
  12. Texting.
  13. Friendship bracelets. 
  14. Flip flops.
  15. Books? Not really.
  17. Games.
  18. Facebook.
  19. Gmail.
  20. Blogs.
  21. Writing.
  22. Water.
  23. Purple cups.
  24. Internet (failures).
  25. I love yous.
  26. Calculators.
  27. Makeup?
  28. Cameras. Well, not really.
  29. Keys.
  30. Markers.
  31. Art supplies.
  32. Noodles.
  33. Headaches.
  34. Lotion.
  35. Sunscreen.
  36. Plaid.
  37. Shorts.
  38. Boston.
  39. Batteries.
  40. Glue Bottles.
  41. Blue pens.
  42. And black ones, too.
  43. Folders.
  44. Post-its.
  45. Carpets.
  46. Coffee.
  47. Boxes (including random containers).
  48. Emotions.
  49. No order.
  50. Cleaning products.
Um, yeah, that's been a lot of my summer.

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