So perhaps it's time for some more change, because I'm indesisive, and like exploring. Maybe I'll find a template that shows the location at the bottom. And maybe I'll do some location crazy when I do some blogging. Walk down to the library, post from there. Head to my aunt's house, and blog from there. Maybe I'll head to a Starbucks in Portland, and blog from there.
But for today, I suppose I'll just blog from home. Because, even though the weather has cooled down, I'm not up to much walking. But I should soon get my bike back, I haven't made it down there to ride it back home. But before the summer ends, perhaps I'll grab it. I need it for the start of school anyway.
Or maybe, my dear Mother if you still read this, you'll give me a ride to Bay every morning because you know you love me and you should be up by seven in the morning in general. You could get to the office early, talk to Russ and go through e-mails that I know accumulate over the week from 0 to 5 million. (We also still need to check on the bus information to see if the bus number changes or anything else. All I know is that I need to be there at 7.)
[Also, Mom, if my Google Calender still shows up with yours on your phone, maybe, maybe not. I'm adding some events, like your Linfield Alumni thing, library book sale and WACAP thing.]
Anyways, what's new in the world of mine? Let's see.
- I've got a pair of cowboy boots, that fit me well and that I will definately be wearing more often, maybe when it's not quite so hot outside, but definitely some day during the Fair. Because I love them! Granted, I might need some thicker socks or just one band aid for my heel, but other than that, they're pretty darn amazing.
- I'm still eating three meals a day instead of two. I'm actually waking up in time to call it breakfast instead of lunch. Thank you new sleeping patter. I got a nice 8 hours of sleep and am feeling less sleepy than usual.
- Lately, I've been drinking more water, which is good during the summer. I think it's because of my color changing water bottle. When there's cold water, it's orange, and when the water warms, it slowly turns back to white. I find it really fun to have when there's ice cubes in it.
- I'm watching the Maury show, and I'm really confused as to why no one knows who their baby's daddy is. They just can't keep it straight. Are the movies teaching us infidelity, or do people really just find interest in someone else that fast? Some of these people have has 10 DNA paternity tests and still don't know who the father is. When I have a baby, I sure as hell will know who my baby's father is.
- You're online, but I'm still waiting for you to start the conversation. I'm not sure why, but, that's just how it is. You usually start it, and I wait for it. I sometimes feel like I may be interrupting. I mean, your status is set on busy. Are you still being a moody teenager?
- Boston, I'm waiting for your blog posts, because I love reading them, they're so poetic. And compared to what I write, seemingly more interesting to me. Maybe because reading about your own life isn't as interesting as reading about others. You know what I mean? We like gossip about others, but not about ourselves.
- This book I'm reading has my hooked, and I only started it this morning and have read 256 pages out of 337 pages. So, I reckon I'm pretty far along. It's Western romance novel, so it goes well with my cowboy boots. And I don't mind reading the sections describing Jake. (Hehehe. I wouldn't mind if you were more like him. Just kidding.)
- I have found that I really like the sound the keyboard makes when I type really fast, it makes me feeling like I should be in an office typing up some documents for my boss. And I like that feeling, and the sound. Maybe if my plans don't work out, I'll be an assistant, because you know, I'm good at organizations and working with phones and computers. Mommy, I'll be a secretary! Does that sound better than, "Mommy, I want to be a cowgirl!"?
- I'd like to head out west and ride some horses. But I wont have to do that, I'll just ask my mom if she'll take me to my aunts, and perhaps I can ride Moon still. She's getting old, but I think she's still young enough to be ridden. I'll have to ask Mike.
- There are sounds outside my window, and I'm having some trouble judging the distance between them and my window. Like if it's cars on the street, or going up the big hill toward Safeway. Or if it's a car or a truck. And why is there a baby whining? Last night I heard kids shrieking. And I'm sure it was coming from next door.
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